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Student Grievance and Complaint Resolution

We treat any student grievance as important feedback to us. Our Student Office will manage student welfare including handling grievances and complaints and have a system and procedures to tackle these issues. Students can contact Student Office during office hours (10 am to 8pm).
For any complaint or grievance whether it is verbally lodged or by letter, fax or email, we will document the nature of grievance, complaint and give an interim acknowledgement that the matter is being investigated. We will acknowledge the complaint within 3 days.
The Student Office staff will be required to conduct the necessary investigation to establish the circumstance and facts of the case and forward their recommendation not later than 7 days to the Principal The latter will verify and decide whether there is basis to accept or dismiss the complaint/grievance.
The Principal will then offer a solution to the student. If the student accepts the solution, no further action will be pursued except record and file the proceeding for completed action.
If the student declined the solution offered by Principal the complaint will be referred to the Academic Board who will review the case and offer a second solution. All these proceedings would be completed within 14 days and the complainant is kept informed of the status.
If the student still refuses to accept the latest solution, we will suggest that the matter be referred for third party mediation, i.e. Case Mediation Centre for a resolution as an alternative to legal action/ proceedings.
The details of the complaint / grievance are recorded in the Student Feedback Form to provides information on nature of complaint / grievance, solutions, and time taken to resolve it.